So here are the lyrics to the songs, meant to help folks who want to sing along, learn the tunes. We reserve the copyrights here - if you want to use the lyric or commercial purposes, contact Christopher Bingham, chris@bonepoets.com for written permission. Each song should print on one page...


Finding my place in the time-space continuum
Isn’t always easy if you know what I mean?
Time leaves a trace in the lines in the mirror
Crawling through the distance between you and me

When you’re younger
Every thought is so bold
That it feels like the road to infinity
Later you wonder
Am I just growing old
Is it really just the road to senility?

Finding my place in the time-space continuum
Caught enflagrante, we refuse to be shamed
All in a race to the gates of oblivion
Skies full of lightning will spell out your name

And you wonder
At how skin against skin
Echoes deeper within
Toward infinity

When you’re younger
There’s no way to see in
To a future that’s been to infinity

Finding my place in the time-space continuum
Cool is the water and hard is the stone
A few more freezes and summer will be on us
We’ll gather up the lovers and count them as our own

When you’re younger
There’s no way to see in
To a future that’s been to infinity
But I’m still filled with wonder
At how skin against skin
Echoes deeper within
To infinity – all the way to infinity ... racing senility

All contents © 1993 - 2017 Christopher Bingham. All rights reserved.
If you use part of what you read here, please attribute accordingly. Contact us at chris@bonepoets.com for questions.