So here are the lyrics to the songs, meant to help folks who want to sing along, learn the tunes. We reserve the copyrights here - if you want to use the lyric or commercial purposes, contact Christopher Bingham, chris@bonepoets.com for written permission. Each song should print on one page...


Well the kiss came
Like a wet surprise
I said your name
And your eyes went wide
When the kiss stops
It’s a painful parting
Then the glad return
We all fit together like puzzle pieces
Tessellations in time

Somewhere an old love
Plants a final kiss
Somewhere a new life
Raises a tiny fist
When a heart stops
It’s a moment passing
And a lifetime gone
It all fits together like puzzle pieces
Tessellations in time

August 5th, 2014

All contents © 1993 - 2017 Christopher Bingham. All rights reserved.
If you use part of what you read here, please attribute accordingly. Contact us at chris@bonepoets.com for questions.